School of Medicine
University of Patras
>University of Patras
Undergraduate Courses

Pathology II

Semester 5th ()

Hours Teaching 4 hours, Laboratory 0 hours, Tutorial 3 hours , Clinical Training 0 hours (per week)



Pathology II

Pathology forms the link between basic sciences and clinical disciplines of medicine. It is a discipline devoted to the study of the cause, the pathogenesis, the morphological changes and the functional derangements in cells, tissues and organs that underlie disease. With the information obtained by the macroscopic and microscopic examination of normal or diseased tissues, Pathology attributes in the diagnosis, therapy, observation and understanding of the evolution of a disease process.

Pathology is divided into General Pathology and Systemic Pathology. Systemic Pathology studies the pathogenesis, the macroscopic and microscopic morphologic alterations and the prognosis of diseases affecting the various tissues and organs of the human body.
Teaching / Educational goals / Educational material:

Teaching is based on the scientific book “Robbins Basic Anatomic Pathology” by V. Kumar, A. K. Abbas, N. Fausto και R. Mitchell, 8th ed, Saunders, Philadelphia, 2007 (Editing of Greek translation by C. D. Scopa), which comprises the main source of information and is complemented by important references of more recent literature. In Systemic Pathology special emphasis is given to the most important diseases of organ systems, through the study of representative clinical problems.  

The goal of this educational process is to introduce the students in the clinicopathological correlation and the correlation of clinical and laboratory findings, in order to comprehend the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease as well as its clinical manifestations.
Search in special educational sites is recommended, for further information/knowledge.
General Educational Goals
  • Understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease, from the molecular to the macroscopic level
  • Understanding the importance of the clinicopathologic correlation
  • Understanding the role of the clinical laboratory
  • Understanding and use of medical terminology
  • Understanding fundamental ethical principles which dictate standards of professional behavior
  • Communication of documented knowledge
  • Improvement of cognitive skills indispensable to the practice of medicine (observation, analysis and clinical problem solving)

Reading Material

Contents – Pathology II
Systemic Pathology (Pathology of the Organ Systems)
  • Hematopoietic and lymphoid systems
  • Lung
  • Kidney and Lower Urinary Tract
  • Oral Cavity and Gastrointestinal Tract
  • Liver, Gallbladder and the Biliary Tract
  • Pancreas
  • Male Genital System
  • Female Genital Tract and the Breast
  • Endocrine System
  • Myoskeletal System
  • Skin
  • Central Nervous System
TutorialsLaboratory Exercises
  1. Hematopoietic and lymphoid systems
  2. Lung
  3. Gastrointestinal Tract, Liver, Gallbladder and the Biliary Tract
  4. Kidney and the Male Genital System
  5. Female Genital Tract and the Breast