Interuniversity Postgraduate Course in "Biomedical Engineering"
School of Medicine of Univeristy of Patetras, School of Mechanical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National Technical University of Athens
tel. 2610-969106 fax: 2610-996103, email:
The Department of Medical Physics of the University of Patras, Greece, has been coordinating since 1989 a European Postgraduate Course in BME in collaboration with 25 European Universities. This Course draws expertise from a large multinational academic community and addresses a respective multinational audience.
Since 1994, this Course has been established as an Interuniversity Postgraduate Course in “Biomedical Engineering” in collaboration with the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens.
The Interuniversity Postgraduate Course leads to the acquisition of Master and PhD degrees in Biomedical Engineering.
Admission of Students
Students admitted to attend the Interuniversity Postgraduate Course after an announcement and a selection are mostly graduate Engineers or doctors, as well as graduates of other related Faculties of Greek or foreign Universities.
The duration of studies for the MSc is four (4) academic semesters. The first and second semesters include mostly lectures, laboratories and exams. The following two semesters are mainly dedicated to the writing, the presentation and the evaluation of the Master’s thesis.
After the completion of their postgraduate studies, the students who have been selected may continue for a PhD for at least four (4) academic semesters which include further education as well as the writing of a doctorate thesis. The content of the education depends on the thesis’ subject.
The maximum duration of studies is three (3) years for the MSc and five (5) years for the PhD.