School of Medicine
University of Patras
>University of Patras
Postgraduate Programms

Interdepartmental Program of Graduate Studies in "Informatics for Life Sciences"

​Departments of Medicine, Pharmaceutics, Biology, Physics and Software Engineering of University of Patras

Valli Rapti, tel. 2610 969114, fax 2610 996103 University of Patras, School of Medicine  - 26 500, Rio, Patra


The Departments of Medicine, Pharmaceutics, Biology and Physics organize and run since academic year  2003-04 the Interdepartmental Program of Graduate Studies in “Informatics for Life Sciences” (ILS)

ILS aims to advance higher education of graduates University Departments related to either Informatics or Life Sciences into the new hybrid discipline, ILS, which is defined as the interdisciplinary branch, which uses informatics and computer technology in order to solve problems of Life Sciences (i.e. software tools for data handling and analysis, databases, models etc.). There is a plethora and heterogeneity of such problems, as well as a dynamic feedback interaction between solving them and further developing new ways to tackle such problems (i.e. genetic algorithms, neuronal computers). The title of ILS reflects the breadth of the teaching and research subject. We want it to include both academically and established directions, like bioinformatics and medical informatics and new dynamically developing directions like neuroinformatics and others

Graduate Degrees

ILS leads to
  1. M. Sc. degree in ILS with 3 alternative directions:
    • bioinformatics
    • medical informatics
    • neuroinformatics
  2. Philosophy Doctor

Candidate students

Accepted for registration register at ILS are selected graduates from University departments of either Life Sciences or Informatics and related Departments of Greek Universities and Technical Institutions according to article 5, paragraph 12g of low 2916/2001, or corresponding Departments of congener foreign Institutions, whose degrees have been recognized by DIKATSA

Duration of Studies in ILS

Studies towards a M.Sc. in ILS are set to have a minimum duration of 4 academic semesters including the Diploma Thesis and a maximum of 8 semesters. Studies towards a Ph. D. will take a minimum of 8 semesters (the time spent for obtaining a M.Sc. in ILS counting as 4 semesters).