School of Medicine
University of Patras
>University of Patras
Undergraduate Courses

Clinical Skills III

Semester 5th ()

Hours Teaching 0 hours, Laboratory 0 hours, Tutorial 2 hours , Clinical Training 0 hours (per week)



The aim of this training module, lasting four semesters, from the 2nd to the 5th  semester, is to understand the concept of patient-centered medical care, development of knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective communication with the patient, physical examination, humanitarian and ethical treatment of patient, problem solving, simple medical procedures and first aid. More specifically, the educational objectives are:
  1. Acquisition of knowledge – comfort in the professional approach of the patient. Technique of obtaining medical history / physical examination.
  2. Recording / Oral presentation of medical history
  3. Pediatric / Psychiatric medical history.
  4. Understanding the basic core of the commonly used laboratory and other paraclinical tests used in routine clinical practice.  
  5. Read / evaluation of medical records – medical history / medical records.
  6. Knowledge / routine medical operations execution.
  7. Medical emergency / first aid.
  • Understanding of social-economic issues related to health care through the acquisition of knowledge and skills in epidemiology, health providing and community medicine.
  • Understanding the ways in which the cognitive experience is integrated through the interaction of basic sciences, social medicine and clinical medicine.
At the end of this training module the student should:
  • Be able to recognize the essential information needed for recording and be able to obtain them from the patients in the form of questions.
  • Be able to evaluate the elements of the medical history that are not normal and put them in a hierarchy.
  • Be able to record an organized medical history of a patient based on a proposed model.
  • Be able to record a hierarchical list of problems based on the medical history.
  • Be able to understand the differences between the written and verbal / analytical and brief presentation of a medical history.
  • Be able to understand and be practiced in accessing sensitive issues related to the patient’s history (medical history of sex, drug use etc.) and to exam patients with peculiarities.
  • Be able to practice communication techniques / behaviors in relation to medical history taking, presentation of the medical history, informing the environment, confidentiality etc.
  • Become familiar with taking a pediatric medical history understanding its peculiarities in relation to the medical history of an adult.
  • Acquire the skills necessary for taking the medical history from a psychiatric patient.
  • Be able to fully examine the patient systemically.
  • Record the pathological findings during the examination of the patient and be able to evaluate the differences from normal.
  • Understand the meaning and the importance of the presence of the medical history and medical record (access history, studies, and legal problems).
  • And finally, be able to provide first aid in emergency medical situations (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation).