Anaesthesiology / Intensive Care (Clinical Training)
Semester 11th & 12th ()
Hours Practical Training 25 hours per week (for 2 weeks)
The goal of this course is to familiarize students with the therapeutic approach of critically ill patients in the Intensive Care Unit. Students participate in the medical morning report, ward rounds and the therapeutic management following small groups of doctors, approaching systematically patients who invariably suffer from multiple organ failure.
Particular emphasis is placed on the comprehension of the following pathophysiological disorders and problems, which are expected to be treated in the Intensive Care Unit, such as:
- Acute respiratory failure
- Chronic respiratory failure
- Cardiovascular shock
- Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome and sepsis
- Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
- Multiple-trauma management
- Head and brain injury
- Diagnostic approach to the febrile patient in the Intensive Care Unit