School of Medicine
University of Patras
>University of Patras
Personel - GEORGIOU SO.



Sector: Division of Internal Medicine ΙΙ

Clinic/Laboratory: Department of Dermatology

Knowledge Subject:

Research Area: Biological effects of synthetic retinoids and interferon alpha, Carbohydrate residue composition of cell surface in human keratinocytes, Viscoelastic parameters of human hair

Department of Dermatology School of Medicine University of Patras P.O. Box 1413 26504 Rio-Patras Greece 4th Level, Section C

2610.994670 2610.993951

Download Curriculum Vitae

Summary of Curriculum Vitae

Graduated from the School of  Medicine, University of  Patras (1985). Training as Resident at the Department of  Dermatology,  University of  Patras, Greece (1988-1991). Doctoral Thesis (1992) at the School of  Medicine, University of Patras, Greece. Academic appointments (from 1993 to 1998) :  Lecturer (1993), Assistant Professor (from 1998 to 2009) and since 2009 Associate Professor at the Department of  Dermatology, School of  Medicine, University of Patras.

Undergraduate Courses

Selected Publications

  1. Tsambaos D., Kalofoutis A., Georgiou S., Koulocheris A. (1992) : Oral acitretin induces alterations in mouse liver phospholipid composition. In Vivo 6 : 85-88. 
  2. Nikiforidis G., Tsambaos D., Karamitsos D., Koutsojannis C., Georgiou S. (1993) : Abnormalities of the auditory brainstem response in vitiligo. Scand. Audiol. 22 : 97-100.
  3. Tsambaos D., Bolsen K., Georgiou S., Monastirli A., Goerz G. (1994) : Effects of oral thalidomide on rat liver and skin microsomal P450 isozyme activities and on urinary porphyrin excretion : interaction with oral hexachlorobenzene. Arch. Dermatol. Res. 286 : 347-349.
  4. Goerz G., Tsambaos D., Schuppe H.-C., Bolsen K., Georgiou S., Reinauer S., Zografakis Ch. (1995) : Effects of human recombinant interferon α-2b on P450 dependent isozymes in rat liver and skin. Skin Pharmacol. 8: 162-166.
  5. Tsambaos D., Monastirli A., Kapranos N., Georgiou S., Pasmatzi E., Stratigos A., Koutselini H., Berger H. (1995) : Detection of human papillomavirus DNA in nongenital seborrheic keratoses. Arch. Dermatol Res. 287 : 612-615.
  6. Georgiou S., Monastirli A., Pasmatzi E., Zografakis Ch., Tsambaos D. (1997) : Oral itraconazole therapy for pityriasis versicolor. J. Eur. Acad. Dermatol. Venereol. 8 : 203-207.
  7. Tsambaos D., Georgiou S., Monastirli A., Sakkis Th., Sagriotis A., Goerz G. (1997) : Treatment of condylomata acuminata with oral isotretinoin. J. Urol. 158 : 1810-1812.
  8. Georgiou S., Tsambaos D., Monastirli A., Pavlidis N., Tourman J., Pasmatzi E., Kapranos N., Krause Ch., Franzen R., Varakis J., Goerz G., Gerharz C-D. (1998) : Epidemic of cutaneous punctate pigmentation in schoolchildren. Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt. 46 : 115-119.
  9. Georgiou S., Monastirli A., Pasmatzi E., Gartaganis S., Goerz G., Tsambaos D. (1998): Efficacy and safety of systemic recombinant interferon-alpha in Adamantiades-Behcet's disease. J. Intern. Med. 243 : 367-372.
  10. Georgiou S., Monastirli A., Pasmatzi E., Tsambaos D. (1998) : Cutaneous sarcoidosis : Complete remission after oral isotretinoin therapy. Acta Derm. Venereol. 78 : 457-459.
  11. Papadimou E., Georgiou S., Tsambaos D., Drainas D. (1998) : Inhibition of ribonuclease P activity by retinoids. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 24375-24378.
  12. Georgiou S., Maroulis J., Monastirli A., Pasmatzi E., Pavlidou D., Karavias D., Tsambaos D. (2005) : Anaphylactic shock as the only clinical manifestation of hepatic hydatid disease. Int. J. Dermatol. 44 : 233-235.
  13. Georgiou S., Pasmatzi E., Monastirli A., Sakkis Th., Alachioti S., Tsambaos D. (2005) : Age-related alterations in the carbohydrate residue composition of cell surface in the unexposed normal human epidermis. Gerontol. 51 : 155-160. 
  14. Georgiou S., Monastirli A., Pasmatzi E., Tsambaos D. (2008) : Pyogenic granuloma : Complete remission under occlusive imiquimod 5% cream. Clin. Exp. Dermatol. 33 : 454-456
  15. Pasmatzi E., Chaidaroglou A., Sakkis Th., Monastirli A., Georgiou S., Sagriotis A., Badavanis G., Vryzaki E., Matsouka P., Degiannis D., Tsambaos D. (2009) : Topical application of imiquimod induces alteration in immunophenotype of peripheral blood lymphocytes of healthy individuals. Acta Derm. Venereol. 89 (2) : 134-139.