School of Medicine
University of Patras
>University of Patras
Undergraduate Courses

Introduction in Functional Urology

Semester 8th ()

Hours 28 hours (14 lectures of 2 hours duration)



Course Purpose
Functional Urology is the subspecialty of Urology which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases which potentially disturb the dynamic balance of the urinary system; and particularly the lower urinary system. These disorders are related with either the storage phase (stress urinary incontinence), or the emptying phase of the bladder (difficulty in micturition or urinary retention). The term Functional Urology is a contemporary term which covers the area of Neuro-urology and Urodynamics, as well as Female Urology. The knowledge of the physiology of micturition and functional anatomy is useful for the understanding of the lower urinary system disorders. In addition, the basic principles of Urodynamics as a concept, but as a laboratory test as well, are necessary for a basic understanding of the field of Functional Urology. In conclusion, this course aims basically to make the students understand and come in touch with the wide range of the disorders of Functional Urology, as well as to show the importance of the used diagnostic techniques and the main principles of treatment options. 

Reading Material

Curriculum of Lectures

  1. Introduction – Physiology of Voiding
  2. Urodynamic Studies
  3. Urinary Incontinence – Stress Urinary Incontinence
  4. Urge Incontinence – Overactive Bladder
  5. Mixed Urinary Incontinence –Pelvic Organ Prolapse
  6. Urethral Syndrome – Diverticulum of the Female Urethra
  7. Fowler Syndrome – Interstitial Cystitis
  8. Urological Complications of Gynecological Procedures
  9. Recurrent Cystitis in Women
  10. Neurological Disorders of Voiding
  11. Pathophysiology of Outlet Obstruction
  12. Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
  13. Urethral Strictures – Enuresis
  14. Metabolic Syndrome and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms