Medical Informatics
Semester 1st ()
Code MED_151
Hours Teaching 2 hours, Laboratory 0 hours, Tutorial 2 hours , Clinical Training 0 hours (per week)
i. Introduction & Nature of Medical Information
ii. Databases
iii. Image processing
iv. Medical Information Systems / Networks
v. Integrated Hospital Information Systems
vi. Clinical Decision Making
vii. Inference - Decision Trees
viii. Telemedicine
ix. Biomedical Informatics
The course is the basic introductory one in Medical Informatics. The currently available medical information, to which we now have almost instantaneous and free access, is enormous. This is due to its digital form and the creation of international transport networks. The 'Medical Informatics' course aims to bring students into biomedical information management methods and techniques, to help them identify useful information and combine them to develop knowledge.
The lesson is taught through lectures at Amphitheater and small-group tutorials using PCs. The lectures are theoretical and presented concepts are specialized through the tutorials.
The following issues are discussed in tutorials:
- database creation software (Microsoft Access),
- Medical image processing software (Analyze, Image Pro, ImageJ, Fiji),
- software for statistical processing of medical & biological data (SPSS, GraphPad Prism),
- decision tree software (DATA 3.0), and
- medical decision support software (Iliad).
By the end of this course the student will be able to:
- Understand the concepts of image processing and analysis
- Understand the structure of a database and design simple databases
- Understand the process of making medical decisions under uncertainty
- express clinical problems in the form of decision trees and calculate the expected utility of alternative decisions
- use software for medical image processing and analysis, database developing, and medical decision support
- Understand the importance of Integrated Hospital Information Systems
- distinguish the importance of using Telemedicine to provide health services in under-served areas.
Reading Material
1. “ΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗ” Γεώργιος. Νικηφορίδης. Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις ΛΙΤΣΑΣ
2. “ΒΙΟΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗ” A.D. Baxevanis και B.F.F. Quellette. Επιστημονικές Εκδόσεις ΠΑΡΙΣΙΑΝΟΥ Α.Ε. ΑΘΗΝΑ